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Analysis Of Various Aspect Of Law Relating To Confessions
INTRODUCTION The Judicial confessions are those confessions which are made before the Magistrate or in the Court, in due course of legal proceeding. It is essential that they be made
Corporate social responsibility. An Overview
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has gained recognition and significance with the evolution of the global economy into a borderless and increasingly integrated world. Commercial world gradually has
Admissibility of DNA in Indian legal system
Abstract DNA is an abbreviation of Deoxyribo nucleic acid. It’s an organic substance which is found in every living cell and gives an indiual a personal genetic blue can
Case Analysis: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. & Anr. v Cipla Ltd.
OVERVIEW OF THE CASE Roche, along with Pfizer as joint applicants, claimed that it had been granted a patent in February 2007 for, the molecule medically termed as a “Human
Is It Legal To Levy Tax On The Proceeds Of Illegal Activities In Kenya?
 1.0 INTRODUCTION Section 3 of the Income Tax, Cap 470 of the laws of Kenya (the Act), states that a tax known as income tax shall be charged for
Procedural Aspects Of Child Abuse: Comparative Study Of India And United Kingdom
<strong><u>ABSTRACT</u></strong> Child abuse is taken as a serious problem in the countries around the world and should be dealt with caution and care as it is a question of children,
Critical Analysis Of The African Human Rights System
<u>INTRODUCTION : WHAT ARE HUMAN RIGHTS ?</u> Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour , religion,
Trafficking of Women
Abstract The unfortunate and unprivileged humans – women and children – upon whom immeasurable, unfathomable and grave excesses, atrocities and aberrations take place daily by perpetrators of the crime. They
Conceptualising Refugee Rights Through Human Right Perspective
Written by Anjasi Shah* & Ankitashri Tripathi** * 2nd Year B.Com LLB Student, Institute Of Law, Nirma University ** 2nd Year B.Com LLB Student, Institute Of Law, Nirma University Â
The Flip Side Of Curbing Cyber Crimes- Violation Of Human Rights
Written by Abhilasha Khare Research Scholar (Law), Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyala, Jabalpur Abstract Human rights are the rights which are provided to an individual by virtue of him being a
Armed Forces Special Powers Act- A Need And Not A Weed
Written by Dr. Deepti Kohli, Associate Professor, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, GGSIP University The Special Power Act was the brain child of British India. It was enacted to
Child Sexual Abuse Laws In India
<em>Written by <strong>Kritanjali Sarda</strong></em> 3rd Year B.A.LL.B Student, School of Law, Christ University  Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO), child maltreatment includes– physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect
Media As A Boon To The Democratic Spirit
<em>Written by <strong>Dr. N.B. Chandrakala</strong> </em> HOD, Dept. of Law, S.P.M.V.V The voice of media to propagate the laws in general and women is a minute welcome step. The
Right To Religion In France
Written by Pavithra Jaidev 4th Year B.B.A., LL.B Student, Jindal Global Law School of O.P Jindal Global University INTRODUCTION Art. 2[1] of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Armed Forces Special Powers Act-Violation Of Human Rights Under The Indian Constitution
[cite] Written by Priyanka Parag Taktawala 5th year BBA LLB Student, Institute of Law, Nirma University “It takes us a long time to raise our children. Then, when
Comparative Study Of Human Right Under Trail
Written by Sheena Taqui 4th year BBA LLB STUDENT Amity Law School  Human rights are inalienable rights and every human is entitled to such rights by birth. During the
Role Of National Human Rights Commission In Protection Of Human Rights In India
<em>Written by <strong>Dr. Showkat Ahmad Bhat</strong>* & <strong>Mudassir Nazir</strong>**</em> * Assistant Professor, Department of Law, University of Kashmir, Srinagar ** LL.M student, Department of Law, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi
Written by Soumya Singh 4th Year BA LLB Student, KIIT School of Law Bhubaneswar ABSTRACT The word Asylum is latin and derives from the Greek word ‘Asylia’ which means
Surrogacy Act: The Need Of The Hour
<em>Written by <strong>Kumari Titiksha* & Soumya Singh**</strong></em> * 4th year BBA LLB Student, KIIT Law School, Bhubaneswar ** 4th year BBA LLB Student, KIIT Law School, Bhubaneswar  Nature has
Right To Health: A Basic Human Right
<em>Written by <strong>Mudassir Nazir</strong></em> LLM student, faculty of Law, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi Abstract In a democracy where sovereignty rests on people, people must be armed with certain basic
Politics in India
POLITICS IN INDIA By Abhishek Vaidya 2nd year B.Com LL.B Â BASIC CONCEPT OF POLITICS: Politics, in its broadest sense, is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend
Economic Justice
ECONOMIC JUSTICE By Shree Krishna Singh Abstract In present era a social welfare state is the need of hour and no state can become a welfare state unless and until it
Interpretation Of The Constitution And The Constitutional Bench: Issues And Challenges
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong>INTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL BENCH: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES</strong></p> Written by Anamika Dass Introduction: “Constitutional bench verdicts in the Supreme Court are now an endangered species, and the court has
Case Comment on ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla
CASE COMMENT: ADM JABALPUR v. SHIVKANT SHUKLA Written by Vidit Mehra 2nd Year of 3 Year LL.B. Student, Symbiosis Law School, Pune  Citation: (1976) 2 SCC 521; AIR 1976