Are the Journals from The Law Brigade Publishers listed in UGC Care List?

No, none of the journals from The Law Brigade Publishers is listed in UGC Care List. The Publisher has not applied for the listing but is in process of the same.

Can I get a list of UGC Care approved journals of law?

Sure, UGC Care has a total of 56 Law Journals from across the globe and around 18-20 Law Journals from India. Please use the following link to download the UGC Care List of Journals to check all the journals in UGC Care List as of September 25, 2019. You can check the journal list in UGC Care website by creating a free account and login here.

What do the UGC Care Journals are all about and why was the new list brought?

Previous UGC Approved List had around 5000+ Journals out of which 88% of the Journals were predatory. Predatory and Dubious journals mean that the journals had fake ISSN Numbers, Fake Editorial Board, No Address on the website, No Operating History, No Peer Review System etc. When this came to the knowledge of the UGC, it re-evaluated and removed around 88% of the journals bringing down the number from 5000+ to 800 journals in the new list including all subjects. These claims were made by UGC Vice-Chairman in an Interview published here.

Is it mandatory for the faculty/ research scholar to have publications listed in UGC Care List?

No – As stated by the UGC Vice-Chairman in this interview, he says that if quality research work is published in non-UGC recognized journals, it will be evaluated by a committee and can be considered if the quality is good. University/ Institutes will hold the power to either take into consideration or not. The decision to consider a publication in non-UGC recognized journal will be up to the University/ Institute.

Is the information provided by The Law Brigade Publishers regarding its Journal true?

100% true. All visitors are free to check all the information claimed on this website independently. We are operational since 2015 and since then we have upholded our quality and integrity in the publication sector. None of the information on this website is questionable. Please feel free to cross-check our ISSNs with the ISSN website, editorial team’s information via emails mentioned on the website, journal indexing can be cross-checked using the links given. We request you to submit your paper only if you are satisfied in terms of the quality and standard of our journals.

What is The Law Brigade Publishers?

The Law Brigade Publishers is an online, open access, multidisciplinary journal publisher that publishes research from all areas of the law and related subjects. Publication in The Law Brigade Publishers is subject to an article processing charge (APC).

Why publish in The Law Brigade Publisher’s Journals?

  • Fast — rapid review and publication
  • Rigorous — constructive peer review by the academic community
  • Open — your articles are freely available to all and as the author, you retain copyright
  • Visible — see what attention your paper is getting with Article Level Metrics.
  • Global — hosted on with worldwide media coverage

What are the criteria for publication in The Law Brigade Publisher’s Journals?

The Law Brigade Publishers publishes original articles on the basis that they are technically sound and legally valid, and papers are peer reviewed on these criteria. The importance of an article is determined by its readership after publication.

What is the scope of The Law Brigade Journals?

The scope reflects The Law Brigade Publishers Research’s core strengths in the legal studies. Papers from all disciplines within these core fields will be considered for publication.

What is Editorial Structure?

The Law Brigade Publishers has both an Editorial Advisory Panel, and an Editorial Board apart form the core Peer-Reviewer Team.

The Editorial Advisory Panel – consists of full-time professors and academicians from across the globe and provides advice to the journal as and when needed and will help in the recruitment of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board & Peer Reviewer team– composed of practicing advocates/academicians/research scholars in all relevant fields — manages the peer review process, and will take final decisions on whether papers should be accepted. An internal publishing team ensures that papers are assigned to an appropriate Editorial Board Member, who manages the review process. Occasionally, peer review may be managed by an in-house editor.

Who is on the Editorial Advisory Panel?

The Editorial Advisory Panel comprises experts from all major fields within Law, Economics & Political Sciences. The breadth and depth of their collective expertise ensure The Law Brigade Publishers reacts to the varying needs of these research communities.

Who is on the Editorial Board?

As with the Editorial Advisory Panel, the Editorial Board comprises experts from all major fields within Law, Economics & Political Sciences, to ensure representation across the scope of the journal.

We are always happy to welcome recommendations of suitable Editorial Board Members: please contact here

What are the key metrics of The Law Brigade Publishers?

The 2018 journal metrics for The Law Brigade Publishers are as follows:

  • 2-year impact factor: 4.527
  • Article influence score: 1.356

Visit The Law Brigade’s Research journals metrics page for a description of these metrics.

What is the time to publication?

Publication online is rapid and continuous, so papers will be published as soon as they are ready.

Visit our Research journals publication timeline page for more details.

Does The Law Brigade Publishers publish papers rejected from other Law Brigade Research titles?

Yes — The Law Brigade Publishers is editorially independent but will consider submissions of manuscripts rejected from other Research journals hosted by The Law Brigade Group. Upon rejection from another title, authors can choose to transfer their paper, as well as the anonymous referee reports seen by the author, to The Law Brigade Publishers. Alternatively, authors are welcome to submit their rejected paper to The Law Brigade Publishers afresh without reference to the previous process.

Is The Law Brigade Publishers peer reviewed?

Yes, double-blind peer review is performed by a minimum of two reviewers, and a template approach ensures fairness and efficiency.

My paper has just been rejected from another Law Brigade hosted journal; will it automatically be transferred to other journal of the same publisher?

No — control remains entirely with the author, but you will receive a link at the foot of your decision letter through which you can choose to transfer your manuscript to any Law Brigade Research journal.

Is the journal indexed in ISI Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar?

The Law Brigade’s Journal of Legal Studies & Research and International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues is indexed in Google Scholar and are being submitted for indexing in Scopus & WOS. The Law Brigade Publisher’s Journals will apply to be indexed in other relevant databases and repositories in the future, where appropriate.

Details of The Law Brigade Publishers indexing can also be found here.

Is The Law Brigade Publishers an open access journal?

Yes, The Law Brigade Publishers is an open access journal, and articles are published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). All papers are available to the entire community immediately after publication, with no barriers to access.

What article types are included in the open access initiative?

The fee applies to primary research papers only and not to the modified copies of the same work.

What are authors paying for?

As costs are involved in every stage of the publication process, from copy editing & production to hosting the final article on dedicated servers, website maintenance, certificate printing, packaging, posting and other allied works, authors will be asked to pay an article processing charge (APC) in order for their article to be published open access, without access control. By paying the one-off APC, authors can post the final, published PDF of their article on a web site, institutional repository or other free public server, immediately on publication.

How will readers know articles are available free?

All articles are open access so users will be able to access the full text instantly. Articles will be marked with an icon bearing ‘Open’ on the full-text and PDF formats of the published work, and information on the type of Creative Commons licence will be available on all article formats and listed in the article metadata.

Will there be additional charges, especially if an article contains colour images?

At The Law Brigade Publishers, there are no additional publication charges unless authors wish to order reprints, for which charges apply.

When do authors pay the article processing charge (APC)?

Authors must complete payment formalities on acceptance, a link to which is provided in the acceptance letter, as well as a relevant Creative Commons licence form. Authors must return both forms before their manuscript can be processed for publication.

The APC payment process is administered by the publisher, The Law Brigade Publisher, and payment can be made straightaway by credit card/ debit card/ net banking/ UPI/ Payment Gateways/ Money Transfer Agents like Western Union etc., following receipt of the payment email.

It is mandatory for the payment formalities to be completed. Failure to complete the payment will result in a publication delay.

What if I want my institution to pay on my behalf?

As indicated on the payment formalities, authors can request that an invoice be sent to their institution.

What time period do I have within which to make the payment?

Payments are processed immediately, but The Law Brigade recognizes that often authors do not pay themselves and if an author’s institution is to pay the APC, it may take some time for an invoice to be paid. Invoices will be chased periodically, but if after 15 days no payment is received, the author will be contacted directly by the publisher.

How do I submit my manuscript?

Manuscripts are submitted using our online submission system.

Do other Law Brigade Research journals offer open access publishing options?

Yes, all journals from The Law Brigade Group are Open Access.

What version of the Creative Commons license does the journal use?

Articles are published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). Please see the journal’s open access page for more information.

How will people find my work if this journal is online only?

The journal is highlighted through other Research titles both in print and online. The website is designed to facilitate article discovery via our Research Library with enhanced browse and search facilities.

Does the journal offer advertising opportunities?

Online advertising will be displayed on the website. Please contact our sales representative for further information.