Rahul Ranjan

What Are Joint Custody Arrangements in Australia

6 Crucial Components for a Legally Binding Contract

A legally binding contract is the foundation of any business transaction or agreement. It ensures that all parties involved are held accountable for their promises and obligations. Understanding the key components of a contract is essential to protect your interests and avoid costly legal disputes. In this article, we will explore the six crucial components […]

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What To Expect When Working With A Personal Injury Attorney

What To Expect When Working With A Personal Injury Attorney

The sharp crack of a fender. The searing sting of a burn. The disorienting blur of a fall. Accidents happen, lives shift, and suddenly, you’re facing a mountain of medical bills, lost wages, and an uncertain future. Once a distant abstraction, the legal system looms large, its complexities daunting and crucial to your recovery. This

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DUI And Your Driver’s License: Navigating The Impact

DUI And Your Driver’s License: Navigating The Impact

A DUI charge—no joke. I know you never pictured yourself dealing with something like this. But here you are, faced with a serious legal issue that could really make life difficult, especially when it comes to driving. The road ahead seems scary, filled with lawyers, court dates, and the DMV breathing down your neck about

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How to Co-Parent Effectively For Children With Special Needs

How to Co-Parent Effectively For Children With Special Needs

There’s no denying that co-parenting can be challenging for a wide range of different family dynamics. But what if you’re looking to develop a co-parenting arrangement that caters for a child with special needs? Children with special needs typically often require a unique approach to co-parenting, and one that involves the highest level of cooperation

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The Legalities of a Hit-and-Run Accident

The Legalities of a Hit-and-Run Accident

Motor vehicle-related accidents are all too common on the nation’s roads. According to figures from the National Safety Council (NSC), 46,980 people died in motor-vehicle crashes in 2021, and 5.4 million people sought medical attention for their injuries. All road users have a legal duty of care towards other drivers and pedestrians, ensuring they operate

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Navigating Lease Agreements: What Are Your Tenant Rights And Responsibilities?

Navigating Lease Agreements: What Are Your Tenant Rights And Responsibilities?

Navigating the intricate world of lease agreements can be a perplexing task for tenants, often leaving them feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Yet, deciphering your rights and responsibilities as a tenant is crucial for fostering a harmonious and respectful landlord-tenant relationship. A lease agreement serves as a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions

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5 Situations Where You Need an Attorney

What is Unfair Dismissal from the Job in Australian Law?

In the expansive realm of Australian labor jurisprudence, the notion of unjust termination assumes paramount significance, encapsulating the essence of safeguarding the entitlements and concerns of employees. The labyrinthine intricacies of this legal precept demand an expedition into the Fair Work Act of 2009, a cornerstone dictating employment regulations in the Australian context. Embarking on

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What Are Joint Custody Arrangements in Australia

What Are Joint Custody Arrangements in Australia?

Amidst the intricate realm of legal dissolution, couples grappling with divorce or separation embark on judicial proceedings to ascertain the residence of their progeny. The paradigm of joint custodial arrangements orchestrates a symphony where the offspring gracefully divides their temporal affections between progenitors, maintaining an equilibrium in their filial allegiance. Before plunging into the heart

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What Are The Child Protection Laws in Australia

What Are The Child Protection Laws in Australia?

Amid our dedicated quest, the paramount endeavor revolves around ensuring the maturation of progeny transpires within a sanctuary, released from abuse and contempt so that the safety of children becomes a shared concern. The onus for the well-being of each juvenile is a communal responsibility shared among familial units, educational institutions, governmental bodies, and the

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