The Law Brigade invites applications for Peer-Reviewer Position

About Us

The Law Brigade Group is an online, open-access journal publisher. We publish valid primary research from all areas of the Law. Visit publications page to find out all journals published and offered by The Law Brigade Group.

Becoming an Editor is one of the oldest, most prestigious & influential occupations in history. Persistence, passion, and patience are just some of the necessary qualities in developing editing skills. The sky is the limit in terms of where editors and writers can work and what they can write about, especially with the advent of online publications and businesses.

An editor’s work involves carefully analyzing and proofing one’s content for the publication house. The editor’s career never stops evolving and changing. To become great, the editor must continue to learn and grow with each evolution.

For complete coverage of all the major journals in our portfolio, a minimum of 100 student editors would be required from across the nation.

About Editorship Programme

This chair belongs to you

If you think you are the one who can make a dent in the publication sector by contributing your skills and producing mind-boggling research papers then why wait for a second. Use the button below to apply now.
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