How To Get A Divorce Without Going To Court

How To Get A Divorce Without Going To Court

Weddings are joyous, hopeful events with vows of lifelong love. Yet, sadly, not all marriages last. Sometimes, despite the best intentions, couples find divorce the best choice for both parties. It’s a tough decision, filled with emotional turmoil, but necessary for both parties to move forward in life.

Did you know that every 13 seconds, there’s a divorce in the US? This distressing fact highlights an issue many couples face: the grueling court battles synonymous with divorce. This often leads to high legal fees, time-consuming procedures, and emotional stress that can be difficult to handle.

How To Get A Divorce Without Going To Court

It’s possible to navigate the rough waters of divorce without setting foot in a court. This article sheds light on how to dissolve your marriage without the usual court dramas.

Understanding out-of-court divorce

An out-of-court divorce is a divorce process that’s settled outside a courtroom. It avoids the adversarial nature of traditional court divorces, offering a more cooperative approach to ending a marriage.

In court divorces, a judge makes the final call on matters like property division, child custody, and alimony. This process can be lengthy, costly, and filled with tension. On the other hand, out-of-court divorces allow you and your spouse to make these decisions yourselves. It’s usually quicker and less expensive, and it fosters amicable relations.

  1. Divorce mediation

Mediation offers a less confrontational path to divorce. It’s a process where you and your spouse sit down with a neutral third party—the mediator. The mediator could be a lawyer, mental health professional, financial expert, or retired judge, to name a few. The mediator doesn’t make decisions for you. Instead, they guide your discussions, helping you agree on contentious issues.

So why choose mediation? First off, it’s generally less costly than a court divorce. It also tends to be faster because you’re not at the mercy of a crowded court schedule. Plus, you’ll have more control over your divorce terms rather than handing the reins to a judge.

To make mediation work, you must come in with an open mind, ready to negotiate. Moreover, it’s pivotal to choose a mediator who’s not just qualified but also well-suited for your circumstances. For instance, if you reside in Denver, Colorado, you might want a divorce mediation lawyer in Denver since they are likely well-versed in local divorce laws. The familiarity with local statutes ensures that all proposed agreements align with legal expectations.

Remember, a successful mediation hinges on open communication, the right mediator, and a comprehensive understanding of local laws.

  1. Collaborative divorce

The collaborative divorce process takes cooperation to the next level. It’s an approach where you and your spouse each hire lawyers trained in collaborative law. You work as a team to negotiate fair divorce terms for everyone involved.

Collaborative divorce offers several advantages, especially when children are involved. It allows you to preserve relationships by fostering a cooperative environment to lessen the emotional toll divorce can take on the family unit.

It’s also generally less expensive and stressful than traditional litigation. In the US, divorce typically costs USD$15,000 on average per person. However, using a collaborative process could lower these expenses.

However, collaborative divorce isn’t a decision to make lightly. It requires a commitment to the process and the willingness to work through disagreements. You’ll need to find a lawyer trained in collaborative law. Make sure they’re a good fit for you. It’s essential to have legal representation you can trust when navigating the challenges of a divorce.

  1. Divorce arbitration

Arbitration is another out-of-court divorce method worth considering. It’s like a private trial, where you and your spouse present your case to an arbitrator. Unlike a divorce mediator, the divorce arbitrator has the power to make binding decisions about your divorce terms.

Though more formal than mediation, arbitration can be less adversarial than court proceedings. On the plus side, it’s private and faster and offers a definite end since the arbitrator makes the final decision. But it’s not without its downsides. It can be costlier than mediation since it can take longer than the latter. Also, you surrender some control over the outcome.

If you decide to go the arbitration route, ensure you and your spouse agree on a fair and experienced arbitrator. You’ll need to prepare your case well, just as you would for a trial. But remember, the decisions made in arbitration are binding, so choose this option carefully.

  1. Uncontested divorce

An uncontested divorce is as straightforward as it gets. Around 90% of divorces are uncontested. It’s a process where you and your spouse agree on all aspects of your divorce. That includes property division, child custody, and any other applicable terms.

This option is usually the simplest and least expensive route to uncoupling. It’s perfect for couples without children or significant assets that could complicate the divorce process. It saves you the hassle of lengthy negotiations or court appearances, keeping your time and expenses minimal.

For a successful uncontested divorce, open communication is vital. You’ll need to discuss all terms and reach a mutual agreement. Once you’ve done this, you can file the necessary paperwork to finalize your divorce.

It’s advisable to have a lawyer review your agreement to ensure your interests are protected. An uncontested divorce may be simple, but it’s still a significant legal procedure.


You can indeed get a divorce without a court’s involvement. It could save you time, money, and emotional distress.

The foundation of these methods is open communication and mutual respect. It’s about working together to part ways as amicably as possible and get a fair settlement. It might be challenging, but it’s a step toward healing and moving forward.