About our Event Organizing Wing

Based on the Media Group’s vision to engage and aware people around us, we continuously strive to publish engaging news stories and courtroom updates which are both informative as well as essential for every common person out there.

We believe the people we are surrounded with have a lot to express than just criticize everything that happens. We have a strong belief that everyone has their own perspective and sound reasoning behind every criticism they have. We, at The Law Brigade Group, strive to unleash that inner belief and encourage people to put their opinions and views on the table where they can be discussed freely. That is where we come in. Libertatem [Liber-ta-tem] is a Latin word for Freedom. We have coined the name ‘Libertatem Magazine’ as the main concept of the Magazine is “Freedom of Speech & Expression”. We respect everyone’s right to speak. With this line of thought, we have gearing up to organize a series of events and competitions starting with Essay Writing Competition wherein everyone be it a Student or a Faculty, be it from Law or from Engineering, everyone is free to express their views/ opinions on a given theme.

The Law Brigade Group has been envisaged with the task of organizing Events and Competitions on behalf of Libertatem Media Group (our parent organization). We are also open for collaboration with independent organizers who are willing to organize Events in collaboration.

Collaborate with us for Hosting Events

Publishing Partnership

We are basically a publication group and event organiser Singapore who have around 11 Law Journal including Monthly, B i-Monthly and Annual Frequency Journals. In case you are interested in publication partnership, we have a few Terms & Conditions for the proposed collaboration.

  1. Both the parties would mutually select a journal for publication as per the needs of the Organizer.
  2. Publication opportunities would be provided free of cost only for winning entries (preferably top 3 winners).
  3. Published entries will also be uploaded on our Journal Research Website.
  4. Free of Cost Participation shall be provided to some members of our organization (only student interns and volunteers).
  5. All winning entries should be edited internally by the Editorial Team of the specific journal and will be published subsequently.
  6. Soft Copies of Certificate of Publication will be shared by the Journal Manager to the Organizer of the event. The organizer would then decide how to deliver the certificate to the participants.
  7. Both the parties would have the right to use each other’s brand logos only for the purpose of promotion of the said event.
  8. Our brand logo should be placed on all promotional materials used by the Organizer to promote the event.

Above mentioned are the basic terms of collaboration with our Publishing Group as a Publication Partner. We would be more than happy to get in touch and negotiate on each term in case you are interested.

Media Partnership

A media partnership is the ideal platform to further the reach of your event or association. This partnership gives you access to our delegates through a range of pre-event and on-site branding opportunities, as well as giving you a targeted platform to drive your membership or subscriber acquisition campaigns.

As one of the official Media Partners, your organization can take advantage of a unique tailor-made Media Partnership package with its own individual set of benefits that includes marketing opportunities, usage of the group’s logo, an enhanced image & standing within the Digital Marketing Community and prominent listing in Media Partner section of our Website & Documentation.

What we do as a Media Partner

  1. Your Event would be posted on our Journal’s Website (thelawbrigade.com) as well as our News Media Website (libertatemmagazine.com).
  2. Our team would promote your event on our Official Facebook Page, Twitter Handle, LinkedIn Company Page & Instagram Story.
  3. Our Email Marketing Team would roll our one dedicated Email Campaign focusing on your event.
  4. Promotion of your event through our College Managers across India.

What we expect from you

  1. Free of Cost Participation to some members of our organization (only student interns and volunteers).
  2. Acknowledgement of our journal/ organization on all your communications as Media Partner (placement of logos on website, brochures, emails etc.)
  3. Mention of our logos on your event website, event post, social media post, email campaigns etc containing a link back to our website.

Above mentioned are the basic terms of collaboration with The Law Brigade Group as a Media Partner. We would be more than happy to get in touch and negotiate on each term in case you are interested.