Rahul Ranjan

What Happens Next If You’re Declared ‘Incompetent to Stand Trial’

Cross-Examination in a Criminal Trial: The Art of Seeking Truth

The courtroom can often resemble a theater, with its cast of characters and the drama that unfolds. One of the most anticipated acts in this theater, especially in a criminal trial, is the cross-examination. This process serves as a pivotal point where defense attorneys, such as the seasoned professionals at Kahlon Law, have the opportunity

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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Child Custody Battles

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Child Custody Battles

Custody fights are difficult on everyone concerned, both emotionally and legally. Avoiding pitfalls is essential for parents to achieve the best possible outcome at this trying time for their child. This post will discuss five common blunders that parents make when arguing over child custody. Ignoring the Child’s Best Interests Showing genuine care for the

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What Is Content Marketing in the Education Sector and Its Impact on Student Engagement

What Is Content Marketing in the Education Sector and Its Impact on Student Engagement?

In today’s ever-evolving digital era, content marketing has become an essential tool for businesses not just to attract but also to engage with their target audience. The education sector is no exception to this, as universities, colleges, and other educational institutions are now also using content marketing to improve student engagement and increase enrollment. In

What Is Content Marketing in the Education Sector and Its Impact on Student Engagement? Read More »

What Happens Next If You’re Declared ‘Incompetent to Stand Trial’

What Happens Next If You’re Declared ‘Incompetent to Stand Trial’

Being declared incompetent to stand trial is a rare occurrence in the criminal justice system. However, it does happen. Being declared incompetent implies that those involved in your trial aren’t confident that you can assist in your own defense and don’t understand what’s involved in court proceedings. If you’re curious about how you were declared

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Leveraging Digital Advertising - Lead Generation Strategies For Law Firm

Leveraging Digital Advertising: Lead Generation Strategies For Law Firm

The ever-changing landscape of technology presents new opportunities for every business sector, and law firms are not immune. Today’s digital realm offers a plethora of avenues for innovative advertising and growth. Digital advertising now plays an indispensable role in how law firms reach and engage with potential clients. Gone are the days when print ads

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Five Things a Criminal Law Professional Can Do for You

Navigating Criminal Law: A Dialogue Between Theory and Practice

I. Introduction A. Significance of Navigating Criminal Law and its Impact on Legal Practitioners and Defendants Criminal law is a complex and multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in the justice system. Navigating this intricate legal landscape requires a deep understanding of both theoretical frameworks and practical application. The consequences of criminal law extend

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4 Ways To Maximize Your Personal Injury Compensation

Comparing Legal Landscapes: Personal Injury Law in India and Canada

I. Introduction A. Significance of Comparing Personal Injury Laws in India and Canada In today’s interconnected world, understanding the legal systems of different countries is becoming increasingly important. Personal injury law is a significant aspect of legal systems, as it governs the rights and remedies available to individuals who have been harmed due to the

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